Leonardo Garcia Fischer

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New Home, New Decoration


Written by Leonardo Fischer


As you may have seen, I moved away my blog from BlogSpot to a self hosted WordPress blog. The main objective was to use my own domain http://www.leonardofischer.com, as well as to have more freedom to customize the blog. And as the old BlogSpot template doesn’t work with WordPress, I needed to choose a new template…

No, I was kidding. I could choose a template made by anyone, but I opted to create one by myself. And that was what I did, a WordPress template. This one you is looking at right now.

I still believe that I’m not a good web-designer, but making this theme was a very good exercise: I need to deal with HTML, CSS, and the WordPress API. I am even thinking about writing my own WordPress Theming Introduction Guide, but I will think about that latter.

I am happy that I could make this theme work, without making it look like $#@%. I added some options to it out of the box, like Google Analytics support and a option to disable the automatic insertion of <p> and <br> tags (I could not find a way to do this on BlogSpot, and WordPress allows it only by hacking the theme you are using). In the theme I’m writing these options could be edited without touching any code: there is a menu for that after enabling this theme. ツ

Lgfischer Theme Settings

I am still working on this theme. Particularly, I want to use a responsive design approach to it and add support to widgets (I want to add a “Friends links” area to the sidebar). And maybe a customized 404 page…

I’m not sure why anyone may want, but I released the source code of this theme on GitHub. If you want, download, modify and use it as you wish. And fell free to add any comments, suggestions or bugs you found in the comment section bellow.



Blog update: recomendations


Written by Leonardo Fischer

Happy New Year!

Ok, this is just a fast post. I’ve recently added a new Recomendations page. My intention with it is to share some of the feeds from blogs and news that I found to be valuable and have followed for some time. That page should be in constant update. Well, not so “constant”, but from time to time I’ll update it with new content.

Also, I’ve added a list of some blogs from friends. Although these blogs are also in my list of recommendations, I’ve put then on the right side of the blog (instead of the Recomendations page) to enforce how much I recommend then.

And, again, have a happy new year!

PS.: Thank you, @lfzawacki for reminding me to do this. I pushed this task for weeks… ツ


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Hello, World


Written by Leonardo Fischer


This is the first post of this new project I’m engaged. I wish I had started this project several months ago. But I realized that if I had started at that time I still would be late. Anyways, better now than never? What I want with this is to share some codes and thoughts about it. Also, I want to exercise my English. So, if you find any misspellings, please let me know.This blog is not for everyone. I only recommend it only if you understand the importance of the phrase “Hello, World”. If so, please join with me!


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